Violence and abuse
You don't have to face your thoughts and feelings alone. Don't hesitate to reach out to resources and support services.
Helpline for victims of domestic violence and abuse. VO-line speaks Norwegian and English.
Sexual Assault Centre
Have you been subjected to rape, attempted rape, or other sexual assaults? All victims of such assaults who seek help will receive assistance. The facility is always open. Phone number 23 48 70 90
Subjected to violence or abuse?
Where do you start when you need help? Quality-assured information about domestic violence, rape, and other sexual assaults.
Helpline for victims of sexual abuse
You can call anonymously if you wish - they always take you seriously. Always open. It's free to call. (In Norwegian)
Do you want advice about your specific situation? Ask anonymously and receive answers from SiO's psychologists, doctors, and counselors. The website is in norwegian, but you can write and get an answer in english.
For those who have experienced sexual abuse or know someone who has. You do not need a referral, and they maintain confidentiality. (In Norwegian)
Center for Incest and Sexual Abuse
For those who have experienced incest and sexual abuse before turning 18. Here you will meet professional counselors and other survivors who believe and support you. They offer individual counseling, groups, and social activities.